Harley Riding Dad

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Real Scoop on Dog Names

To clear up the confusion it is necessary for me to post this blog and set the record straight. The PUG's name is "Winston Churchill" and he will commonly be called "Winston" or maybe "Winny."

The BOSTON's name is "Kosmo Kramer" and he will commonly be calle "Kosmo."

I hope this clears up any misconceptions.

The Management

P.S. Pictures to follow soon.......


At 9:27 AM, Blogger jo portnoy said...

WHAT!?! 2 things are wrong with this.

1. I refuse to believe that is a Boston, you got ripped off, he doesn't look anything like a boston. Pictures are required.

2. What happened to the name Millard Fillmore???

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Jen said...

1. He looks like a Boston to me (though not as cute as Jimmy and Holly). He has a pointy nose, so maybe he will have less breathing problems.

2. Can we call Kosmo "Kos". Winny seems like a funny nickname. How about "Ton". He is a chunky chunky chunk. Or, we can call him "Pres."

At 11:26 AM, Blogger EGlideDad said...

Winston Churchill was a Prime Minister and not a President so we can call him Prime. I'll post pictures tonight when I get home.

At 8:19 PM, Blogger EGlideDad said...

1. yes
2. me
3. a president
4. in beds
5. ?
6. yes

At 4:42 AM, Blogger jo portnoy said...

1. I vote to reinstall Millard for President. Millard Millard Millard... (that is chanting)

2. Since when do Bostons have pointy noses? It's a sham and I won't have it.

3. We number things for order. Otherwise none of this nonsense would make sense.

4. When Dad promises pictures "soon", does he mean like in a week? Dad, are you busy washing your hair? I want pictures!

5. I got an email from Mom and it appeared she was asking me to take Jean to vote. Sorry Jean.

Supremo Managemento


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