Harley Riding Dad

Friday, April 28, 2006

April 28, 2006 The Joys of Having all Girls

Being the father of 4 girls has advantages and disadvantages. Years ago I told my wife I had gone to my last dance recital and would even consider watching soccer if my girls could get involved with sports (being a coach with no sons does crazy things to you). I was to the point where I had seen The Nutcracker so many times, all I needed was a tutu and I could join them on stage.

It has come back to haunt me. Daughter 1 got involved with ROTC and adventure stuff, Daughter 2 was my "Horsey Daughter", Daughter 3 was the soccer nut, and I even got Daughter 4 to try little league baseball. I enjoyed those years immensely but I now am paying the price.

Two of my very independent daughters have chosen the military as a start in their adult lives. I am now on "my second deployment" and while I am proud and supportive of their decisions, I definitely worry. It is hard to think of "Refinnej" and "Annaoj" (inside joke) in harms way with some fanatic taking pot shots at them.


At 9:28 AM, Blogger jo portnoy said...

Dad, if you are ever getting worried and need to be distracted, just think back to that time we got you to put on one of our bikini tops over your shirt. There is a picture of it our there and you are doing the reach-for-the-camera-don't-you-dare-take-a-picture pose.

Where is that picture?

At 9:53 AM, Blogger EGlideDad said...

I'll never tell!

At 12:27 PM, Blogger jo portnoy said...

I'll find it. And it will replace wonderwomen. Although I'll have to remember this threat for the next year to be able to follow through, so you're probably safe... for now.


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