Harley Riding Dad

Sunday, April 30, 2006

School is Ending

The best part of being a teacher is about to begin (June and July). We start exams in 2 weeks and school is over on May 25.

I am already planning my summer rides and I am really looking forward to time on the Harley. A group of teachers that I ride with are planning a 4 day ride to and around the Grand Canyon. It should be a great trip and I am glad it is before the weather gets really hot down there. I am also considering a ride all the way to Washington DC to visit Jimmy. Jimmy is the Boston Terrier that my daughter ripped away from his home in Colorado. Just kidding..... I will spend some time with Jennifer as well as other good friends we have there.

I would like Marilyn to ride with me. She really enjoys trips on the Harley but this would definitely be a really long ride for her. Maybe I can convince her. Couldn't you see these "outlaws" riding into town.

Friday, April 28, 2006

April 28, 2006 The Joys of Having all Girls

Being the father of 4 girls has advantages and disadvantages. Years ago I told my wife I had gone to my last dance recital and would even consider watching soccer if my girls could get involved with sports (being a coach with no sons does crazy things to you). I was to the point where I had seen The Nutcracker so many times, all I needed was a tutu and I could join them on stage.

It has come back to haunt me. Daughter 1 got involved with ROTC and adventure stuff, Daughter 2 was my "Horsey Daughter", Daughter 3 was the soccer nut, and I even got Daughter 4 to try little league baseball. I enjoyed those years immensely but I now am paying the price.

Two of my very independent daughters have chosen the military as a start in their adult lives. I am now on "my second deployment" and while I am proud and supportive of their decisions, I definitely worry. It is hard to think of "Refinnej" and "Annaoj" (inside joke) in harms way with some fanatic taking pot shots at them.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Is there a frog in here?